You Can Channel Your Highest Wisdom

Have you ever tried to hang a picture on the wall and thought you were doing a perfect job?

“Oh, this looks great. I’ll just hammer these nails in right now!”

Then you decide to take a few steps back, and you look at the picture on the wall.

“Oh no! That’s all crooked! It looked okay before, but now I’ve got to take those nails out and start all over again.”

Here’s what happened: At the first attempt, you lacked perspective. Close up, it seemed okay, but when you stepped back, everything looked different

That’s what happens with our own views of the events of life. Close up, this looks like failure. That looks like you’re not going to make it. Or you don’t have enough of anything—not enough money, not enough love, not enough intelligence, not enough happiness

So you stand back, and Your Wise Mind begins to talk to you. Maybe you decide to write it down. It might say to you:

“You’ve been thinking you’re not good enough, thinking that you’re keeping yourself safe by limiting yourself. But now you can stand back and see this force of limitation that you’ve created and even love it for appearing to keep you safe for a long time. And now you can move beyond this. You can create a new life of freedom and self-expression. Yes, you can create an expanded life. Remember who you are. You are a Conscious Miracle of Existence. Remember you came from the cosmos. Remember, you have inside you everything that is expansive and powerful in the universe. Keep this remembrance. You picked up the illusion of limitation along the way, but this is not the truth. Come back to your center, and you will remember your greatness”

The minute you see the old pattern and understand it, it changes. It gets straightened up like the picture on the wall. What you need to do to make this change is to ask yourself one important question: “What would my Wise Mind tell me about this?” When you ask it with sincerity and you’re really seeking the answer, the Wise Mind will speak to you and through you.

What is Your Wise Mind All About?

The Wise Mind is a part of higher consciousness. Other parts are love, peace, light, and compassion. The Wise Mind is an aspect of your superconscious state, and everyone can experience it when the conscious or everyday mind becomes quiet. The Wise Mind is the voice of the Universal Self as it speaks through you. It is the great macrocosm expressing itself through the microcosm that is you.

Most of our ills are caused by a lack of connection with our higher self, our superconscious state; yet everyone has the ability to make this higher contact. Many people are wearing blinders that obscure the highest states, inner darkness created by traumas and wounds that keep people from knowing their inner gifts. It’s beautiful that we can heal and complete this inner darkness in all its forms. See my past posts on completion and tapping.

What Can Your Wise Mind Do?

The Wise Mind can shift your view of your own reality, and therefore, it is crucial to your healing. Doing this can lift you out of dark places and misconceptions in a matter of moments. The Wise Mind is the higher faculty of advanced consciousness, wisdom, or guidance. Again, you ask: “What would my Wise Mind tell me about this?”—and that is a question that can alter your life profoundly. Your Wise Mind might tell you how that difficult relationship has helped you grow in major ways. Your Wise Mind might show you that you are truly prosperous, even though you don’t perceive yourself that way. It may give you ancient wisdom to put your own situation in perspective. It may show you a way of living that opens you to a whole new level of life. Or it might point out the inner gifts you have to transform your world.

Does Everyone Have a Wise Mind?

Everyone has a Wise Mind—the ability to get in touch with their innate wisdom—absolutely everyone. It’s a natural capacity of the superconscious state that everyone is born with. It’s a remedy in the soul that helps transform the predicaments of life. You may be given specific things to do about the situation. You ask, “What would my Wise Mind tell me about this?” As soon as you ask this question, you find yourself in another level of your consciousness. You may be moved to a more elevated state from which you can see your situation in new ways.

What Joan Found Out

A woman named Joan had a very challenging relationship. She got in touch with her own deep sadness and the tension in her body. She did some completion and tapping. She took some wonderful deep breaths, and she asked the important question to her Wise Mind. Here’s the answer she received:

“Underneath your sadness is a landscape of you, a blanket of peace. There are rolling hills, carpets of green grass, breathtaking flowers, and you can come here to rest your soul anytime you like. Underneath your sadness, it’s airy, light, and sunny. Come here at any time, and you’ll transform all the troubles in your life”

She said the words, “Deep Peace”—and that created an “anchor” to consistently remind her of this transformation of her awareness.

The Wise Mind and the Troubles on the Earth

I asked my Wise Mind to tell me more about all the strife, negativity confusion and destruction on the earth now. Here’s an answer I received:

“The light is growing brighter on this planet, and from the higher levels, we see a transformation taking place. Many souls are moving to higher levels, even as they cross over to the other side. In this way even though there is great travail on one level, there is an uplifting force at work, as we see it from a higher perspective.”

What You Can Do Next

Decide that you can and will ask your Wise Mind to speak to you and through you. You can record what it tells you, or you can type it or write it out on paper. Close your eyes for a few moments before you do it, and bring yourself to your center. One way to do this is to concentrate on your breathing. Watch your breath naturally move in and out, and when you feel ready, you can either keep your eyes closed, or you can open them—and you can begin to be a vehicle for your Wise Mind to answer through you. You’ll be very happy that you did this, as your life will expand, and you’ll see with new eyes.

Find Out More about the Wise Mind

If you want to know more about the Wise Mind, you can get my book on Amazon: The Wise Mind: The Brilliant Key to Life Transformation and Healing. It’s a good book—really— if I do say so myself.

Remember to ask this question in any situation in your life:

“What would my Wise Mind tell me about this?”

And when you listen with awareness, you receive a treasury of healing.

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