The Spectacular Healing Power

There are so many forms of love. Sometimes it comes in the form of other human beings, sometimes in the form of great advanced beings, and sometimes love is experienced independently of any human transmission, as a great radiant, dynamic blissful universal force. All forms of love are magnificent gifts to help uplift the difficulties of our lives.

Love is dancing in every cell, in every molecule of our being. It is the essential substance of the universe. It can be experienced as a romantic feeling, deep caring, great ecstasy, a divine force and a transcendent healing power.

When you can’t feel love, it is usually because it’s covered over with experiences of limitation. Replaced by ego and separation, its insufficiency is the cause of war, discord and great human suffering.

Transform What is Unloved

Love is not pain. Pain is pain, and love is love. To feel more love, get your pain out of the way. See Blog Post #5 on Completion, to see a powerful process to release pain from inside.

To heal your deep inner mind, you can first experience and then send love to all parts of yourself that feel a sense of separation. You can touch with love the various inner parts of your human self that you’ve set up within you.

Heal the infant inside and the little child

Love the teen

Transform the critical, angry, abandoned,

or alienated selves inside

Heal the victim or critic inside

Heal your mind and all the old unloving or unloved thoughts

They’re still hanging out inside in the library of your inner being. Touch these parts and experiences with great kindness, compassion, caring, and absolute divine love.

Bring love to all the old parts of yourself to create the ultimate healing of your soul.
Hold your old issues in the high-frequency vibration of love, and shift the entire experience of your life.

You create a new perspective of inner power as you heal everything with love.

Be Uplifted by a Loving Person or Force

A beloved animal, a dear friend or partner, a great realized being, a member of your family—or the power of love itself can lift you up and heal anything in the way of your experience of love.

A being of great love can be the catalyst or vehicle for the energy of love to flow within you and heal anything you would like to heal.

You may feel uplifted or transported, or you many feel nurtured and comforted, or you may feel totally transformed.

An open heart can be the vehicle for you to experience the expanded power of love.

You can call upon great masters of love and enlightenment to uplift your own energy as well as the suffering of humanity—Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Quan Yin, Krishna, St. Germaine, Shiva, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, Mother Mary, Paramahansa Yogananda, Moses, the Karmapa, the Dalai Lama, your own guides or angels or loving beings.

Imagine the Ocean of Love

Just imagine that there is an ocean of love both inside of you and surrounding you, as well as everything else in the universe. It’s vibrating with a beautiful flowing energy that has the ability to heal and uplift everything it touches. It moves into and through you, especially through your heart, and it has the ability to move away anything that’s unlike itself. You are healing any old difficulties of life and thoughts with this flowing energy of love.

Listen to This

Here are links for my free recording, “Journey to the Essence of Your Being.” It takes you to your deepest essence, into the Oneness that is the core of you and All That Is. Go here to heal and resolve all obstacles–with light, peace, wisdom, and love. Have the experience of pure consciousness and transformation.

Two choices of sites to download recording:
Choose one:
Link for SoundCloud:
Link for Google Drive:

And take a look at my book, Healing is Remembering Who You Are, which shows you many ways to heal and transform through the powerful essence of your being.


Healing is Remembering Who You Are

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