A Way to Release and Heal That’s Both Old and New

Letting go is something that you no doubt really want to do—letting go of old patterns, emotions, pains, and troubles. One way is through “Completion,” the powerful technique from ancient India. (See my post #5)

Here’s another way. It’s both old and new. By now, you no doubt know about EFT, the tapping technique. But there’s a new way to do it, and it’s called Faster EFT. There’s a good reason it’s called that: It’s easy to learn, effective, and, of course, fast. Unearthed by Robert G. Smith, a success coach and NLP practitioner, it has become an awesome healing tool. Robert travels all over the world, using Faster EFT or FEFT or Eutaptics to heal all kinds of emotional and mental problems of life.

Robert told me that seeing my YouTube video, which combines EFT with hypnotherapy, was a motivating factor for FEFT’s creation. My video is over twenty years old—and here’s the link . I used to do the longer original EFT, working with the originator, Gary Craig—but when I saw the new Faster EFT, it made a lot of sense to me. The original EFT is more nuanced and complex, and it’s good for practitioners who only do EFT. But when you combine it with other modalities, Faster EFT is a much easier alternative.

I’ve created my own four-step technique, which I call “The Radiant Power Technique.” The first step is Completion, and the second is Faster EFT. The third and fourth steps will be revealed in future posts.

So I’ll bet you’d like to know how to do it, and here it is, courtesy of Robert G. Smith, with a few of my adaptations:

Step 1: Aim

Go inside yourself and notice what you notice. What do you feel or see? Notice how you know you have a problem. You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they are there. What do you feel? Where in your body do you feel it? (Head, belly, left foot?) What do you hear?

Step 2: Tap

Now, change your focus. Focus only on your fingertips and where you are tapping. Using two fingers, tap the following points while focusing on the feelings of your fingers on your skin:

Between your eyebrows—third eye
Side of your eye by the temple
Under your eye
Collarbone points

While you are tapping, say “Let it go.” It doesn’t matter which side you tap. You can do either or both!

Step 3: Peace

Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “Peace”.

Step 4: Imagine yourself feeling good

Imagine a happy memory, and enjoy it.

Step 5: Check

Go back to your problem and notice things are already starting to change. Notice what hasn’t changed yet. Focus on it, and move to step 6.

Step 6: Repeat

Repeat steps 2-5 until the feeling or memory has changed to a positive feeling

What does this work for?

Gary Craig used to say, and perhaps he still does: “Try it on everything.” Try Faster EFT also. Release your physical, mental, and emotional discomforts, troubles, and pains. See what happens.

Use it in conjunction with Completion, and see how that works for you. Experiment. You can find out more about EFT, Energy Healing, and transformational methods in my book Extraordinary Healing. In that book, I talk about tapping as “knocking on the doors of awareness.” You just have to know the “codes” to open the doors. Those codes are the tapping points, derived from the legacy of acupuncture and acupressure.

You can work on a pain in your shoulder, a deep feeling of sadness, a pattern of feeling discouraged, a headache–or anything else. Combining it with Completion gives it even more power, and the third and fourth steps, coming to this blog soon, create a true healing powerhouse.

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