Try the Magic Word!

There’s violence everywhere—on our screens, in families, in the world of nature, in our neighborhoods and battlefields and on the global scene.
The leaders say, “We will change our legislation.”
“We will prosecute the violent ones.”
“We will give them the death penalty,” others say.

One magic word

But if you really want to do something to reduce your own contribution to the violence of the world, there is a beautiful way. There’s one word that tells us what we really need to do, and that word is “Ahimsa.” It’s an unspoken vow that means “nonviolence” in Sanskrit, and it tells you how best to act if you want to lead an enlightened and nonviolent life.

Many people know this song: “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Let me be a person of nonviolence in my thoughts, my words, and my deeds.

So, if you do want this, how can you do it?

Ask yourself questions like these:
When I eat, do I stab my food with my fork?
Do I shove the food into my mouth?
Do I grab things?
Do I pound on the computer keys or on a person?
What do I say when things are taking longer than I like?
What do I say to you when you’re doing something I don’t like?
Do I generalize about a group when one of its humans does something I don’t like?
Do I think negative thoughts about myself when I feel I’m not measuring up in some way?
Do I speak negatively about someone to others?
Do I wish anyone didn’t exist?
Do I enjoy it when people are beaten to a pulp in games or videos?
Do I hate a lot?
Do I disparage people?
And more….

Why Ahimsa?

Why be non-violent? Isn’t violence just a passionate way to express yourself?
The trouble with any violence is that it builds up. It creates pollution in the air, and in building up to a fever pitch, it creates the violence in the world that we don’t want.

Do you have to be perfect?

No—unless you are. And everyone is in essence. Just be aware by observing your own being— its thoughts, words, and activities. This needs to happen with absolute non-judgment—just seeing and knowing that violence is an option, and you have freedom to shift it if you want. You can create inner and outer peace in the world by watching what you’re doing from the space of the witness.

Why Ahimsa for you?

If you get that you’re a powerful being and you take responsibility for the violence within you that also emanates from you, you realize that it materializes into the violence of the world. By embracing ahimsa, you’ve done something monumental to decrease the violence of the world.

By clearing out violence from yourself and your microcosm of a world, you’ll also have very good vibrations, and you’ll be someone who magnetizes people to you. You can be passionate and “ferocious”—but it doesn’t need to come from a space of violence. It doesn’t mean that you take whatever is dished out to you either. It doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. But you now have evidence that there’s a space inside you that is releasing violence and opening to a more enlightened ground of being.

It might mean that you choose a more peaceful diet, called “sattvic,” and that you choose to have more peaceful relationships. It means that you don’t have to accept the craziness of the world, and instead create a life that is sane.

The Swami and the Finger

Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, the great incarnation from Bidadi, India was riding in a limo with one of his disciples. In India, they were used to honking, but they were not used to what followed next in the United States. One man rolled down his window and thrust this middle finger in the air. The swami asked what that might be about. “That’s a bad word, Swamiji,” said his Disciple, and Swamiji asked more about it. Then he began to laugh. Instead of seeing this as a potentially violent gesture, Swamiji turned it around and said: Let’s call it a mudra, (a finger healing gesture). Let’s use it when we have old incomplete patterns and issues we don’t want any more in this life. So he said, “Whenever you have any incompletions, just show finger to them! He laughed and called it the “mathya maituna mudra.” The Show Finger healing pose! And that’s how you can reframe and transform violence in the world to make something useful for your life.” Show finger! It did not come from violence. Instead it sent a message.

If you want peace, let it begin with you…

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