Do you tend to catastrophize, to create the Worst Possible Scenarios or imaginary catastrophes for the events of your life? Is everything a potential disaster for you? Do you tend to think depressive thoughts, to feel that you won’t be able to be happy? Do you think anxiety thoughts, creating all kinds of dangers for yourself, most of them in your lively imagination? Do you tend to obsess, to keep going over and over certain thoughts? Watch also how your inner personalities are taking control in certain situations as “Poor Me” or “Not Okay” or “Have to Be Perfect to Be Loved.

Stand back and become the witness of your thoughts and inner personalities. Become aware of the kinds of thoughts you habitually think.

When you stand back and observe, you begin to get some degree of objectivity. It works to affirm who you really are, to tell the truth to all other inner influences, to remind them over and over again:

“I AM the power of healing, and I AM healing myself now”
“All the cells of my body, all the powers of my mind are healing me now.”

Using the words “I AM” to begin your affirmation helps bring your essence in to help with any situation. If you are going through a particularly difficult time, such as a time of anxiety or depression, you can watch the thoughts that come up, and every time they do, you can say, “No, that’s not so. I am healing myself now.”

Being able to watch yourself more objectively can help to free you from the bondage of repetitive thoughts or from stubborn inner personalities. When you get in touch with your essence by relaxing and centering yourself, you have greater ability to be objective and to bring your strength, wisdom, and love in to heal your situation.

Finding Your Essence to Heal your Mind

If you look beyond your personality, your everyday difficulties, your public faces, you will find your own essence. It has qualities of love and strength and peace, although it really none of these qualities, but an all-pervading energy. To truly know it, it is most often necessary to go within through meditation, hypnosis, contemplation, or prayer; but you can experience it at any moment as you go about the course of your life.

And no matter what you have been through in your lifetime—no matter how unworthy you feel, or how much guilt you may be dragging along, or how many times you feel you have failed —there is an inner core beyond all of this drama of life. Your personality is only one level of your identity. The essential level is your core, and it is who you are in the most fundamental way.

You get cut off from your natural self at an early age, and you forget what’s there at your nucleus. You believe your own story. You think you’re the one who has failed at relationships, the one who has made so many mistakes, the one who is so badly abused or who abuses. This is your surface self, and it is important because it is your opportunity for learning. It is your vehicle for operating in the world. But you need to define yourself more broadly and to remember your love, power, energy, and creativity—and to extend these naturally healing elements to those parts of yourself that are in need of healing. The times you felt especially strong, creative, loving or peaceful, are reflections of essence. And it is always powerful to remember it.

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