Understanding Completion: How to Release Your Old Pain Patterns and Increase Your Happiness

What are you going to do when you have deep samskaras or mind patterns in your mind and life?

Maybe you have the samskara of “not enough.” “I’m not enough” or “I don’t have enough.” () Or maybe you have a pattern of fear or sadness or “I’m not worthwhile” or “Everyone’s against me” or “I’ll never succeed.”

People have been asking me when I’m going to give the solutions, and the answer is: NOW!

There are ways of not only healing them—but of dissolving them completely. This will be a welcome idea if you’ve had patterns that have been coming up over and over again for you, and they’re taking a toll on your life.

I’m going to tell you about more than one of these awesome processes, and I’ll tell you where they came from also. First I want to tell you about the shining star, the mega-transformational breakthrough process that is both ancient and new. It’s called COMPLETION.

When I tell you where it came from, you’ll be astounded. But first I’ll tell you what it is and how to do it.

What is Completion?

Completion is about feeling your inner pains or feelings of powerlessness so that ultimately you can let them go. Your old problems, pains, troubles, and traumas are sitting inside you, and they create similar situations in the present and future. That’s why you want to clear them out—so you can have a happier life.

When you carry uncompleted problems, you continue to create the same difficulties in your present and future. These incompletions are like knots inside. You can also describe them as tape loops that get triggered and play again and again. When you carry uncompleted problems, you create the same difficulties in your future, and you can become a much freer person when you create completion. The truth is, these old problems and states of mind are not real. They’re not you. They’re just illusions of obstacles that stand in your way—and it’s wonderful to know that they no longer have to have power over you.

When you relive the emotions and focus on feelings of the old patterns, you can let them melt away—and you can ultimately become free. You can relive them and relieve them.

Much of the time, you suppress your old emotions and thought patterns, and now you can relive them briefly and melt them down. You can melt down old knots inside of you, old fears, anxieties, depression, relationship problems, economic problems, and more.

It’s an Ancient Process

This is an ancient process brought back to life by an enlightened master in India, Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. This process has been brought back to life from one of the ancient Hindu wisdom books—The Upanishads.

It’s a powerful technique in which you get to know the incomplete patterns inside of you that control your life and actions. By completing them, you can feel lighter, happier and more confident. Layer by layer, you let the old patterns go.

How to Do It

When you have a reaction to something, find a quiet space and let yourself feel your feelings in your body or thoughts in your mind. Don’t judge these experiences; just feel them, and allow images or memories to come to the surface. Then as you experience them, let them first get lighter and then melt away. It’s a process that happens spontaneously when you pay attention. It may happen slowly, or it may be fast. Just be present with the process.

Here’s my interpretation of the technique:

Pay Attention

  • Pay attention to the way your issue, inner pain or feeling of powerlessness shows up in your body. Pay attention to your feelings, and describe them to yourself. Bring your awareness deeply inside and pay attention to your experience as profoundly as you can. (Breathe)

See how it gets lighter and lighter as you watch it.

Let it Dissolve

  • As you continue to watch this pain pattern, it becomes less and less powerful and then dissolves and melts away.
  • You can also find a similar pain pattern from an earlier time in your life, and become aware of this also. Let yourself feel the feelings you had at the time. This is not a memory, but a reliving of the feelings you had at the time. Let it first become lighter as you watch it, and then let it melt away completely.

What Part of You is Watching this Pain Pattern?

Paying attention is about observing your own body, mind, and emotions—in no way rejecting them, just watching. The moment you watch yourself, you leap into a more expanded state called the Witness State. When you watch your patterns and emotions, you take another step toward liberation from them.

The capacity to stand back and watch on the screen of awareness is a high healing state. Another name for it is Witness Consciousness, and it’s a state of superconsciousness. You are watching yourself as an actor in the play. You are not even the director. You are the observer, and from this point of view, healing takes place. When you expand your awareness this way, you are in touch with a high level of truth. In its highest level of truth, the real you is that one who is able to witness, to observe without judgment. From this vantage point, clarity and healing come forth.

It’s a type of healing art form, in which you step away from the experience so that you watch it happening at the same time as you’re experiencing it. You pay attention to the way your body feels. You notice thoughts that arise. You watch patterns of your breathing. You see if any previous experiences wish to present themselves to you. You remain as present in the moment with this experience as you possibly can. You may find a tightness in the chest or a pain somewhere. You may find that your breathing is shallow or that a thought springs up out of the blue. You may find tears coming or anger rising to the surface. Whatever it is, you just pay attention. You are The Witness, and that is a high state of healing.

And as you watch, it gets lighter, and then eventually it fades away. You may need to repeat this as many times as necessary, and there is a point in which it disappears—goes away—leaves you. And you become more and more free.

What You Can Do:

Do some completion on any patterns in yourself that you choose, and come back to this blog post and share it. That would be a great thing to do!

More information:

Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam—See many discourses on You Tube

My books: The Wise Mind, Healing is Remembering Who You Are, Extraordinary Healing, Realize Your Greatness and more, on Amazon.com

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