When you stand back and look with all your three eyes, you can see a larger picture of the Coronavirus than the powers that be are presenting to you. There is a cosmic perspective to understand. I don’t confess to know everything about it—especially where it came from (though I suspect that it has been planted here). I don’t profess to know everything about how it works. But I can see that there is a much bigger picture to view.

My view tells me that the Coronavirus is given to us to wake us up to the evolutionary potentials that are deeply significant for our lives. A change of consciousness on planet earth is at hand. Daily life is being disrupted so that a new perception can take place. New behaviors can take place. If you just sleepily move through the daily schedules of your life, you will be in your normal trance, and you won’t likely be able to see what’s happening behind the scenes.

You are evolving in your consciousness, and there are many factors at stake.

  1. You are here to understand Oneness, which means that you and everyone else are made of the same substance, the same fabric. You have been sculpted out of the same material as everyone else, and when you tear away all the facades of daily life, you are given an opportunity to see Oneness. This is important to your evolution.
  2. You are here to understand that things are not what they seem. You have been programmed to see the forms that your culture wants you to see. In this way of understanding, Coronavirus is a mortal enemy and something to be feared. But in the Cosmic view, it is much more. It is an Agent of Change, and it is here to take you to a higher level of consciousness.
  3. It is here to knock the fear out of your system by bringing it forth in all its terrible trembling power. You fear death. You fear change. You fear other people. You fear being out of control. And it is understandable. But the great Universe is asking you to open up to something much greater than all your preconceived notions about what is real. The challenge is to open up the rigid mold and see what’s inside. The challenge is to see that death is not your enemy, and change is necessary. Yes, this can be very scary, but there is more here to be understood.
  4. Evolution is inevitable now. Evolving your perception, your body, your emotions is necessary now in order for all of us to handle the social, political, personal shifts that are taking place in the environment, our politics, in our personal relationships. We must evolve.

It is for others to conjecture whether or not dark forces or extraterrestrials have set off this virus—either to harm or save humanity. I do ask all of us to examine our fears and programmed reactions and do everything we can to awaken. The time is now for lifestyle transformation—looking at the consciousness in our food choices, our addictive habits, our judgments of those who are working toward this awakening. The time is now to willingly move and be moved to a higher level of life. Yes, it’s a crisis. And as the ancient Chinese wisdom tells us: “Crisis is danger and opportunity.” It’s a time to awaken in multidimensional ways.

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